

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

T-Mobile's CEO Completely Blows Up Amazon and AT&T's Spot

According to the Wall Street Journal, Amazon.com plans to unveil the company's first smartphone on Wednesday, which be exclusively carried by AT&T.  Nobody hates this more than T-Mobile CEO John Legere. After 30 minutes of researching Legere I have concluded that the dude is a rock star.  His two main jobs are settling share holders and trolling social media. And Legere's success as a professional troll has allowed him to single-handedly destroy any potential of Amazon or AT&T making even a dime off this phone when he took to twitter to voice his disapproval of the joint venture. 

Well that's not going fair too well for Amazon and AT&T when the stock market opens up tomorrow. How much are their share prices going to dip? And they'll probably go down 50 percentage points each. That will teach you to mess with Legere. Its amazing that AT&T is still standing after the last time Legere was through with them. 

Can you blame the guy though? AT&T had Macklemore headlining the party and everyone that if there's one thing Legere loves, its Macklemore.

"I Just Wanted to Hear Macklemore" shirt with a picture of himself on it.

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